Sunday, April 20, 2014


Today is the 10th day of my Yoga Teacher Training. 
It's an intensive program, an intensive schedule.
The alarm goes off at 5.30 and at 6.00 we are in the yoga Shala on our mats in the middle of the rice paddies. 
Pranayama, meditation, asanas, anatomy, philosophy, ayurveda... these are just a couple of the subjects we are covering. 
After dinner the program continues: Bio-dance, mantras, movie night, making mandalas etc etc. 
Sundays we are 'off'. Shopping, laundry, studying.... there's not much time to relax or be connected with the rest of the world. I'm literally in my Yoga Bubble over here. 

The first couple of days are all about observing. 
Then the mind kicks in and you start resisting & questioning things....
Sitting in a crossed leg position over 8 hours a day? 
Chanting mantras 108 times? 
Getting rice sticked onto your face? Really.....? What for....? 
And that is exactly where the true Yoga comes in. Yoga is not just doing some poses. Yoga is about mastering the fluctuations of the mind (aka 'the monkey mind'). As the mind takes over control. It hijacks you.

Tonight we are starting 'mouna'. This means silence. As in 'Eat Pray Love' we will be walking around with a badge saying "I'm in silence". 60 hours in silence..... 

As wise men said: 

"True silence is not only without words, but without thoughts"



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